A Belated Happy Mother’s Day Message from AGW President, Professor Jaya Dantas and the AGW Comittee

Each year 'Mother's Day' is celebrated in most countries on the second Sunday in May. On this day Families, pay special tribute to mothers all over the world. Being a mother is hard work, it can be exhausting, relentless and sometimes the hardest thing in the world. Yet, it is also one of the most beautiful, fulfilling and rewarding aspect of a woman's life.
Mothers also come in many form and roles - as a carers, as aunts, as those away for their children, those in war zones, those in difficult situations, thos in leadership positions and making an impact in all walks of life.
AGW remains steadfast in out commitment to champion higher education of women and girls so that women everywhere can reach their full potential. Here is a poem that we would like to share
"M" is for the million things mums do for their children & families;
"O" means that she's growing older and wider;
"T" is the tears she sheds for her children and family;
"H" is for her heart that is pure and selfless;
"E" is for her eyes, that shine with love and warmth;
"R" means she's resilient, as she speaks from experience.
Put together the letters spell "MOTHER," a word that has a special meaning for all around the world. We salute all women, wishes to all members.